Friday, October 31, 2008
i hate halloween...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
rather annoyed at parts of life...
i'll start with my shoulders. i've had trouble with them for nearly a year and a half now. i've gone to a physical therapist, done exercises, and had them under control. until recently. over the summer, they started hurting. i started using a piece of equiptment called the Vasa Swim Trainer, which helped for a while. but then, about a month ago, it started getting worse, and two weeks ago, was extremely painful. one of our assistent swim coaches is a physical therapist, and she looked at it. she said i'd inflamed the AC joint in my shoulder (whatever that is) and that i couldn't do butterfly for a couple of weeks. i wasn't too unhappy; i hate butterfly. she also said to ice it for a while after swimming and to do some exercises. two weeks ended today. and instead of getting better, it got WORSE. so, now i'm down to backstroke and breaststroke. i can't do freestyle or butterfly. AND she said that if it keeps getting worse, i'm going to have to stop swimming for a week or so. NOT good. so i'm bummed. freestyle is my best stroke. and i have a swim meet next weekend. :P
before work today, i stopped at walmart to pick up a sweatshirt. i've been meaning to do this since it started getting cold about two weeks ago. i've only got two, and i'm sick of being cold when they are in the wash. so i got my sweatshirt. same size as i usually get that fits me fairly well. isn't too tight, isn't too loose. i say USUALLY because the sweatshirt was too tight in the chest and too short in the arms. so...i had to go BACK to walmart and exchange it for the right size. i hate shopping...unless it's for books, music, food, or swim stuff. clothes shopping is not fun. i have to try everything on for two reasons: one, a size 8 in one brand could be a size 12 in another; and two, my arms are one size, my chest another, my waist another, my hips another, and my legs another. and i'm rather picky. i want my clothes to be modest, and you know how hard it is to find decent clothing for teens? i hate clothes shopping...
enough of my rant. good night!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
more philosophy
normal. it doesn't make sense to me. i might just be weird, but...i think i've got a point here. people point fingers at popular people, and say, "they're normal," but they turn their finger on me and say, "she's weird." i'm not saying that i don't LIKE being weird. on the contrary. what i'm saying is, what makes some people normal and others not? this eludes me. no two people are exactly the same. even if they look alike, dress alike, and sound alike, they are still different on the inside. The differences are great enough that they could not be mistaken for the same person if they began to speak something other than, "hi, how are you?" an example here: my mother and i sound so alike on the phone, it's scary. it's driven my friends slightly mad when they call and think that they are talking to me, but are really talking to my mom. but even if we don't say who we are, they can figure out who they are talking to by the conversation. same thing when we chat online. my mom and i share a screenname, but my friends can figure out who they are talking to within minutes of us beginning to chat. mom and i sound alike, and we even look alike (a little). but we are each a distinct person, no matter the physical similarities.
so how are some people "normal" and "usual," but others not? we, humans, want to assert our individuality. so why do we strip away individuality to lump some people as "normal"? who sets the standard for normal? britney spears? anne hathaway? brad pitt? any other celebrity? if so, i don't WANT to be normal! they are horrible role models. i want to be my own person. i don't want to be the same; i want to be ME.
so if this means that i'm not normal, so be it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
waxing philosophical
first: rivalry, particurally between swim teams. it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. the only enemy at a swim meet is your time. the people you swim against help some, and the ribbons from winning heats and events are nice, but in the end, your only opponent is your time. so what's wrong with lending help to a younger swimmer, even if she's on an opposing team that's pretty well your team's mortal enemy? the truth of the matter is, we swim to try to beat the clock. opponents just help us show our best.
second: normal. what constitutes as normal? not everyone is the same, so what causes her to be normal and me to be unnormal? no two people are the same. isn't normal a sense of uniformity? no two people look exactly alike, think exactly alike, talk exactly alike; in fact, most people are very different from each other. so why do we label some people "normal" and others "not normal"? it doesn't make much sense.
that is the end of my philosophical musings for tonight.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
what a week...
yes, i know i haven't posted since last monday. i'm sorry... life got away from me. i'll talk about lots of what happened here.
the mission on tuesday night wasn't as good as it was on monday night. i'm kind of disappointed. it was still good, but it wasn't great. oh well. i had a pleasant surprise once i got there... some friends of ours whom i had invited, but did not think would come, came to the mission on tuesday night. we stayed a little later than we had the night before - about an hour later than we had. ;) it was an enjoyable hour. thanks to the mithrandirs for accepting my invite!
wednesday - ugh. i hate wednesdays as it is, but this one was even worse than usual. i have a religion teleconferance class at 9:30 am that goes until 10:30, and i leave immediately after that for my chemistry class. after chemistry ends at about 12, i usually go to the YMCA and eat lunch and maybe do some school. however, i forgot my lunch and schoolwork. X_X i then worked from 1-5, teaching a couple of swim lessons and guarding for a while. after work, i had swim practice, which was painful. i have been ordered off of butterfly by one of the assistant coaches, who also happens to be a physical therapist. apparently, i've inflamed the AC joint in my shoulder, where the collar bone meets the shoulder blade. so i'm not supposed to do butterfly, because of the position that the shoulders are supposed to assume while pulling. BUT it also hurts to do freestyle and backstroke. it just keeps getting's going nowhere. and it HURTS. :P after swim practice, we had the mission, and fr.
thursday wasn't that bad, actually. i went to work, like i normally do, at 8. i work until 12:30, then go home, change out of my swimsuit, and eat some lunch before i have my latin teleconferance class at 1:30. (i think i need to mention that it takes me at least 20 minutes to get to work from my house.) after class, i took a test, sent in a couple of tests and quizzes to my teachers, then set up a stupid schedule for math. i hate math. i may be good at it, but it's horrible. :P oh well... i had fun thursday night. i went to the mithrandirs' house and watched sahara and the truman show. i hadn't seen sahara, and they hadn't seen the truman show, so it made for an enjoyable evening. sahara is... well, absolutely hilarious. love al. i'm still kind of fuzzy on most of the other names, but al is great. the truman show is also great. it stars jim carrey, and, in my opinion, is one of his greatest performances. not that all of his performances aren't great. if you haven't watched either of these movies...go to your library. ;) thursday was fun.
friday was... different. i'm just gonna leave it at that. i did borrow another cd from finwe mithrandir. good cd. it's family force 5, dance or die. oddly enough, i didn't like their last cd that he lent me. weird. oh well... it's good.
ugh. yesterday. well, i'm not sure that ugh is the right word. i had fun yesterday. i had to be at work at 8 am. ok, that IS ugh. i taught swim lessons until 11:15, took a shower, ate lunch, was back on the pool deck by 12 and guarded until 4. immediately after i finished closing the lap pool, i changed clothes for church and the dinner dance. quick explanation: this year is the 150th anniversary of the appearances of Our Lady to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, France. my church was founded 50 years ago, during the 100th anniversary celebration of this same event. we were wrapping up a year of celebration with Mass and a dinner dance last night. i was late to church at 4:30 because of work. i had nothing i could do about it, though... i couldn't get out early. after church, we checked into the hotel and joined the party. after eating a marvelous dinner, dancing began with (ugh!) a slow dance. i hate slow dances... you have to have a partner to dance them. and (i'm not sure if i've stated this before) i'm happily single, and very happy. what does a seventeen year old girl need with a boyfriend, anyway? i've got good guy friends, and that's good enough for me. i'm not ready to get married; why should i even look until i am? besides, i'm pretty well convinced that there aren't many diamonds in this manure heap of a society. men, feel free to try to convince me otherwise, but in my experience, i've found four diamonds. three of them are like brothers, and the other... well, he's beyond brother. he's one of my best friends.
how did i get on that tangent? oh well... after the stupid beginning slow dances (they played 3 right in a row at the beginning), they got to some good dance music, and i was GONE. i danced most of the three hours that the dj played. i like to dance. ;) love one song particurally. but OW! i haven't danced that much since a friend's wedding a year ago this past june. it's gonna hurt a bit, but i don't regret it. that fastish music starts playing, and i can't resist the call of the dance floor. oh well... happy days.
i shall leave now, with only a video in my wake. it's an odd combination of the YMCA song (you better dance along!) and pictures of my dog. cheers.
Monday, October 20, 2008
mission and pictures
ok, now for a less serious topic. when i posted about nerts, i forgot COMPLETELY about pictures! a friend of the family who's an excellent amateur photographer brought his wretched camera and was taking pictures. i managed to be ghostly quite a bit (when i noticed that he was pointing the camera at ME). i enjoy such things as public speaking in front of large crowds, but put me in front of a camera and i run in terror. i prefer to be either a) on a stage, or b) behind the camera. i'm no movie star; i like to run the show and yell at the movie stars. ;) anyway, here's the website. cheers -- he's phenomenal. feel free to check out his other galleries too.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
interesting staff meeting today
i have staff meetings every third sunday (unless there's a holiday, in which case it's the second). they tend to each have their own special flavor; last time, i accidentally made drew* swallow a bunch of water and then cleaned the rust off the railing in the instructional/therapy pool. this month, we did OSHA and sexual harassment prevention training, and then reviewed CPR, rescue breathing, and emergency oxygen administration. i just DID OSHA and the sexual harassment training in september. as it was, when i did the sex. har. in september, i was brilliant scarlet. to make matters even more interesting this time around, i was sitting next to josh* who enjoys teasing me quite a bit. so i turned brilliantly red this time.
after we finished that, we did CPR and all the other stuff. i was honestly not looking forward to this, because last time around, we had to practice on each other. but it was much nicer this time. we split into two teams and played CPR/AED/rescue breathing/oxygen administration/etc jeapordy. that was FUN, except for the fact that my boss informed myself and simon* that we are never going to be on the same team again. missy* informed me that was because our answers sounded like they were straight out of the text book. our team didn't even WIN! oh well. if that's the way they want it....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
music, movie reviews
the cd is kutless, hearts of the innocent. it is GOOD. i'm really enjoying this one. (present tense because i'm listening to it as i type.) this is like group 1 crew's new cd, ordinary dreamers. i've got my favorite songs, but the rest are also fantastic. two thumbs up for this cd. thanks to finwe for lending it to me. (and ordinary dreamers)
ok, now i need to go on a tangent for a dad is a self-professed music hater. especially rap, hip-hop, and rock. he calls it "noise". the only music he likes and will willingly listen to is christmas music. well, i was listenin' to ordinary dreamers while i was doing the dishes earlier this week, and my sisters were all dancing to the cd. my dad walks into the kitchen and starts to dance! he liked it! and reportedly, last night he asked where the cd was so they could listen to it while doing dishes! i had given it back to finwe, so it was unavailable, but this had no precedent whatsoever!
ok back on review! tonight, my sisters and i watched a movie called rigoletto. it's kinda beauty-and-the-beast kinda story, but different... i'm wondering whether beauty and the beast is a take-off of this italian fairy tale. it was great...back of the video reads,
"'returning hurt for hurt never helped anybody,' young bonnie said. but what is she to make of the hurtful ribaldi who has moved into castle gate and threatened to evict her family? when she goes to work in his mysterious old mansion, she helps him see that the ugliness he holds inside is far worse than his hideous appearance. and she soon sees that this 'beast' is a master singer and teacher who can help her unlock the beauty of her own voice. as ribaldi teaches bonnie to sing, her kindness melts the ice around his heart to reveal goodness and a rare wisdom that has been buried for years. although the children of the tirn discover his beautiful soul, some of their parents allow ugly rumors to fule the fires of their hate. don't miss the stirring finish as this musical masterpiece builds to a crescendo."
it's fantastic, and it made me cry. i don't cry takes quite a bit. i usually don't cry unless someone i'm really close to has died or i'm so completely and totally overwhelmed that i can't hold it in anymore. this managed to do that. besides the fact that my tears have been rather close to the surface lately, because zinn is dying. *starts wailing again* i need off that subject!
Friday, October 17, 2008
hehehe...story from the summer

Thursday, October 16, 2008
i suppose....
so, for brisingr. i really liked it. however, i did not like the way that paolini made roran a darker character. as has been mentioned on one of my friend's blogs (, roran went from someone who was fanatically obsessed with saving his girlfriend to little more than a hired mercenary. and i didn't like the way paolini made arya soften up towards eragon. it's kinda nice, but is it really necessary to have romance take such a prominent place in fantasy literature? don't get me wrong: i love fantasy; i love this book; and i enjoy romance. seems to be in every single book! UGH. i'm committed to remaining single for a very long time (at least until i'm 20 or 21) and as far as i'm concerned, most of the male race is messed up in the head. (MOST not all) so it can get annoying to keep reading about romance romance romance. does that make any sense?
end of book review. on to weekend review!
i had a swim meet on saturday. it was a home meet (GO GATORS!) and there were about 200 swimmers there. warmups were at 11, and the meet actually started at noon. we were done at about 5, so that isn't bad... only five hours of sitting around in-between events. that averages out to approximately 20 events an hour... which isn't bad at ALL. i've been to meets that start at 10 in the morning and don't end until 6... with a smaller number of events. but anyway, for those of you who don't speak the lingo, a medley relay is composed of four legs... backstroke (on the back), breaststroke (think frog), butterfly (michael phelps' signature), and freestyle (front crawl), in that order. IM stands for individual medley, which is those same strokes, but a different order (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle). here's the events that i swam and the amount of time i dropped (or added :P) to my time (not counting relays):
4x50 yd medley relay (i swam the breaststroke leg)
200 yd IM -- dropped something like 3 or 4 seconds
50 yd freestyle -- dropped half a second
500 yd freestyle -- dropped 12 seconds (yay!)
200 yd breaststroke -- added 8 seconds (ugh)
4x50 yd freestyle relay
for those who have never been to a swim meet, they are long and cold and boring and chaotic. swimmers are all over the place, all of them freezing cold and eating junk food and not resting like they are supposed to be doing (i must admit that i don't do that much either). they are interesting, to say the least. no two are ever the same.
then right after the swim meet, i rushed home for the NERTS olympics. i didn't place, but it's a blast. lemme explain it this way... a swim meet is, for me, the equivalent of drinking about 3 or 4 energy drinks. NERTS is equivalent to about 2 of the same, plus a 2 liter of mountain dew (r). so i was rather hyper. (that's the understatement of the century.) but NERTS is a lot of fun. very high energy, lots of friends, cards, and food... what more do you need? ;)
so i crashed when i went to bed.. and i still wasn't done the next day! a friend of the family came over after church sunday. she's blind, and has a guide dog named adena. she's retiring adena on january 31, and we are adopting her after that. so she brought adena over to just spend a relaxing afternoon at our house, getting used to ur house, jesse and oliver (our cats), zinn (our dog), and all of us (i've got four younger sisters, from 13 to 4, and then my parents). so that was a slow afternoon.
so there's my crazy weekend from last week. now... group 1 crew. their new cd is absolutely AWESOME!! you know how some cds have your favorite tracks, and then the rest are bleh, and you don't really like them? well, on this cd, i do have my favorite tracks (keys to the kingdome, gimme that funk, tonight, our time, icontact, critical emergency, live out loud, living the life), but then the rest of the songs are also fantastic, and i love listening to them too. my only question is... when's the next cd? ;)
that's all for tonight!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Poll and randomness
anyway, life is insane. i just took the PSAT today. it wasn't nearly as bad as the practice one i took yesterday. isn't that just the way life goes? ;) but i've been listening to Group 1 Crew's new CD, and it is WICKED AWESOME!!! heck, even my DAD was dancing to it! which is saying an awful lot, considering the fact that he don't like music.
that's all for now. later, all you peoples.
Monday, October 13, 2008