The commenting system has remained the same - click the link for comments and a little box will pop up for you. Anonymous commenting is available; however, you do have to do the wacky distorted words thing. This is to attempt to slow down spammers. You can comment, but please keep in mind that this is a BLOG, not Facebook. Also, I ask that you keep your comments respectful and relevant to the post. If you post a comment about pizza on a post debating manipulation, it will be deleted. Note the new page with commenting help and requests.
Also, I don't know if this had been noticed yet. At the bottom of each post, there are little check boxes. They say "like" and "dislike". If you like the post, "like" it; if you severely dislike the content, "dislike" it. Facebook and blogging begin to merge!
And a small note about the blog post on contraceptives - the post is going to be a little later than I had initially thought. I have a large assignment due that had its due date moved up a week. So it is now due on Tuesday, and the background work has not really happened yet. (It's a film class, and Netflix has been hating on me with its InstantPlay, and I didn't get the movie into my DVD queue on time. Which is my fault, but drives me nuts.)
Update: I've been debating changing the URL to something shorter and easier to remember. There would be a redirect site at this address for a while. For you readers: is this something that you would like to see? If I switched to, say, www.goodandbad.blogspot.org, would you prefer that, or do you not want a change?
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