i'm sorry, folks, but i don't know how often i'll be posting anymore. so - i'll post when i can. sorry. but i don't know that i can keep up the post-a-day thing.
anyway, picking up with my update...after work on saturday, we had tango class again. :D i love to dance...i may not be able to walk across a flat surface without tripping (my indian name should be "trips on sunlight"), but i can dance gracefully.
anyway, on sunday we didn't do much of anything. sunday is my day to *relax*.
monday, we had band. and then i had art class. that was interesting, as we started contour line drawing and received our first homework assignment. after class, i went to work. *shrug* typical monday. well, except for the fact that one of my dad's employees called in sick with strep throat. that sort of threw me into a germaphobic mess. if my immune system is down at all and i'm exposed, i get strep. X_X and i don't have time to get sick. (sounds odd, but it's true. i've got too much to do.)
tuesday, i worked all day. like i do every tuesday. tuesday is rather boring. but life got mixed up just a little at the end of work. i do leg strengthening exercises with a little girl for the last hour of my work day in the pool. she's got CP. (yes, i do know what disease that stands for, but i can't remember right now.) but she got sick. in the pool. in the first fifteen minutes. SOOO...she went home early. and i made a (possibly foolhardy) decision - in addition to doing the 500 yd freestyle at the upcoming swim meet, i am *also* going to do the 100 yd butterfly. not only is this my least favorite event, but i haven't swum butterfly in competition since the summer, and i did not swim it at all for a month. not to mention it's my worst stroke...oh well. i'm also swimming in the medley relay, 100 yd breaststroke, another event which i cannot remember at the moment, and the freestyle relay. and that is a week from saturday.
wednesday, i didn't have my bible study class...the teacher had a meeting. we did have art class, and we worked most of the period on a pen-and-ink contour line drawing. after art class, finwe stayed at my house until he, my sister ann, and i went to our guitar teacher's senior recital. so we got to listen to about fifty minutes worth of incredible classical guitar. :D all told, i was very glad i was able to go.
yesterday *would* have been just another day...should have been just an average day. i've only got latin class and swim practice on thursday. but i got rear-ended en route to swim practice. that jarred me, to say the least. i'm fine, and so's the car, but (if it were possible) i drive even more carefully. that was *one* experience i could have done without.
as per the post title, life is catching up with me very quickly. i had been posting every day last semester for the most part, sometimes two or three times a day. i can't keep doing that. part of it is my schedule. part of it is that i'm currently going through major preparation for the publication of
The Battle of Zephanaia in the beginning of june. but there's another factor in there. i really can't describe it. but this semester has been a real change for me, even moreso than last semester. which is kind of odd...last semester, i added two jobs and college into my life. this semester, i've cut down on the number of hours that i spent at work, but other than that, i really haven't changed much. my theory (probably faulty) is that the closer i get to graduation, the faster life seems to move. i graduate in a year and a half. i've taken the SAT already, and i'll be taking the ACT sometime this spring. i fill out college applications next fall. i'm moving so quickly towards independence...all i want to do is dig in my heels and enjoy life, whatever it throws. i think this involves living in the moment, something that i find myself doing much more after TEC 219. i can fully appreciate everything: the joys and the trials, the pain and the relief, the hunger and the fulfillment, the search and the destination, the potholes and the smooth stretches, the good and the bad.