Saturday, December 20, 2008

ah, yes, the weekend...wait, what? WHERE'D MY WEEKEND GO??

isn't the weekend supposed to be RELAXING?? i don't know about you, but i don't think that traipsing through ice and snow to find a Christmas tree is very relaxing...actually, it's more of an exercise in balance than anything else. although we got done in record was less than half an hour from the time we arrived at the tree farm to the time we got the tree in the van and left.

from whence i had to go to work. i got some odd looks as i walked into the YMCA bundled like an eskimo (hey, it's cold!), but i got out of all my layers and into my swimsuit and shorts in record time (well, it's hot on the pool deck!)...just in time for the regulars to get there and start getting me wet. :P for those who don't quite understand why lifeguards dislike getting wet unless absolutely necessary, allow me to shed some light upon the subject...we dislike getting wet because when you get wet, you get cold. you know how you feel when you get out of a pool and are shivering? well, imagine sitting in wet clothes for several hours. yah. that's why we don't like getting wet. (don't say anything about swim least the clothes are dry when we put them on, we being the swimmers, not lifeguards.)

ah yes. and revisions continue apace...oh well. at least tomorrow will be more relaxing. we are going to my grandmother's house to visit with her, my aunt from virginia and uncle from wyoming. i'm glad...when they came over on thursday and when we went over on sunday, i only got to spend time with them for a couple of hours before i had to go do something else with school or work.

GAH! i'm still not ready for Christmas! i still have 3 presents that have to be done by Christmas day to finish (one of which i haven't even started) and one by december 30th! *bangs self on head* why, oh WHY did i put this off so long?? *muttershouldhavestartedearliermutter* *mutterneedmoretimemutter* *muttermuttermumblemuttermutter* *muttershouldnthaveprocrastinatedmutter* *muttermuttermumblemutter*


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