CEII has stopped affecting me on Christmas eve...instead, it affects me before stuff like this. *shakes head at self* i woke up half an hour before my alarm went off at six. then once my carpooling friends arrived, we went to the mithrandirs, who had graciously permitted us to take over their living room while we watched all three Lord of the Rings movies. extended editions...the movies were about four hours long apiece. we started watching about 9 in the morning, and finished at about 9 that night (between 9 and 9:30, anyway). in there, we managed to eat three meals, do a gift exchange, kill renwen (jk), and a photo shoot (renwen wanted some pictures of herself, so asked mr. mithrandir to take some - he's an amateur photographer), which somehow culminated with all five of us in front of the camera. *shrugs* i got copies of the files, and did some work to some of the group pictures.

yes, i do like funky ratios. *shrugs cheerfully* i couldn't find a standard ratio from the original pictures that would let all five of us stay harmoniously within the same picture. (i used window's photo gallery...if that tells you anything about my software :P) anyway, i'm still high on that. probably will be for quite some time. :D
anyway, renwen spent the night, and we only got five hours of sleep...stayed up until 2:30 talking, and then i woke her up at 7:30. :D but i have to work tomorrow, so i won't be staying up until 12 AM central time...i'll stay up until 12 AM atlantic time. ;) :P
anyway, i'm gonna go. i'll talk to you all in 2009!
I've said this already, but I'll say it again. We look awesome together! :-D even though we had quite a few funky pics of ourselves. :P
i didn't post those for a reason...
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