Thursday, December 18, 2008

happy birthday kathryn! and some conundrums for you...

today was kathryn's birthday. she turned seven. she was sort of disappointed when we didn't go get our tree, but it was made up a hundred times over when my grandmother, aunt from virginia (formerly of florida) and uncle from wyoming came for lunch. (pepperoni and sausage pizza...yum!) i missed cake and singing, though, because of my latin class. :-( but they saved me some cake. :-D

two interesting little conundrums from today...

#1: every single time i went outside today, i ended up on my side on ice. :-P my side is going to be one massive bruise tomorrow...the interesting part is that i've been ice skating at the DCC about two times a year on average, and i've only fallen maybe three times. in the past five years. ice skating, if you don't remember, involves balancing oneself on thin blades (approximately three millimeters thick) and propelling oneself across the ice. i can do so; actually, i can do so with some semblence of grace and speed. (granted, i do stop myself by running into the wall, but that isn't's controlled ;-).) yet when i am on my feet in my shoes (approximately four inches thick), i slip and fall every time i go outside! what is with that??

#2: not quite sure what is going on with adena...i never really paid her much attention, and have been pretty well avoiding her since last thursday (her and any other dog i happen across). yet tonight, as we were watching a movie, she came up to me and laid her head on my lap. usually, she only does this when she needs something, but she'd already eaten and had been outside. she didn't want anything. she just looked up at me with huge adoring eyes, as though she thought i'm the best person in the world. and this isn't the first time that she's been like this. granted, it's the first time she's done this actual action, but it's not the first time she's looked at me like that. WHY?? it's like she thinks i need a doggish friend...


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