i have been incredibly lax in posting. i'm not quite back in the outside world yet...still rather low on sleep and HIGH on TEC!! i'm going back as soon as i can. anyway, a quick update of everything that's been happening...
on friday, sometime in the afternoon, i joined the big, bad world of facebook.
left saturday morning.
got back monday evening. found out that while i was gone, they showed our house to prospective buyers on sunday and ended up in the ER most of monday because the littlest munchkin punctured the top of her mouth with a knitting needle. then tried to jump-start the breeze, which hadn't wanted to start since the nice big cold we had. it ended up being towed down to the shop yesterday, where it received a new battery and spark plugs.
and as a nice entry back into the outside world, i worked for 9 hours. yep. from 9:30-7, with a half-hour break (that's mandated by law - they couldn't get out of giving it to me). what a way to come off the mountain...
then i had life as normal today. i had my bible study teleconference class and my art class. *shrug* came home, as normal. worked on a drawing for a while. not sure i'm happy with it. doesn't quite look right. it's not done yet, but it still doesn't look right to me. i dunno. i'll probably have someone else look at it and see what they think. i *might* scan it and post it. (that's a pretty big might.)
oh, and i have an announcement: this is post #101!! yay! it seems rather fitting that post #100 was about TEC 219. but, as a treat for all of you who have stuck with me for the first 100 posts, here is a little something for you! these are a few poems i've written over the years, and randomly decided to gift to you as a 100 post present!
The Lord's EarthFlowers blooming
The sun
Shining with all the beauty
That was meant to be
With the majestic grace
Of a king or
People living in
Peaceful harmony
No wars or
That, my friend
Is how the
Intended this earth
To be. -2004
Prophecy of Redemptionfrom The Battle of ZephanaiaWhen a king marries the daughter of Helath
And cloaks the world in his wrath
Then must Zephanaia stand forth
And her heroes show their worth
To a woman shall a child be born
Not to feel thistle or thorn
Until she is torn from her mother
Who will be killed by Helath's daughter
She will be forced to work her life away
Forced to hide and heal her own pain
With her hands from work scarred
And her life seemingly ill-starred
But when the king misplaces his ire
Then shall the woman forget the kitchen's fire
And her face shall grow red with her fury
No longer contained or buried
She shall scorn the king and queen
And frustrate the king's offspring
And return to her land
With little but her scarred hands
When she returns to Zephanaia, woe to the king
And Helath's daughter, his queen
For this woman shall destroy his kingdom
And restore to all their freedom
So run you, evil Azuan you
And tear away to hide, most foul dropping of Lithmiru
For lo, the day of your death shall come
On the day the child comes home.
Made by Hnrfcltnbskrtzma the Wise, year 682 2007
The Prophecyfrom The JourneyBeware the Witch of the North
And do not cross her intentionally
For that Witch has no value of worth
And will practice her black magic indiscriminately
But lo, one day a sorceress will come to that Northern place
And challenge that Witch of free will
And shall a man who lived in that palace
Be freed from the Witch's spell
Then shall that man and that sorceress
Leave the palace and vow to return
To conquer the Witch, and free the rest
Of the people whose freedom was not yet theirn
That sorceress from place remote
And that man who drew her to her destiny
Shall make that Witch become merely a mote
Freeing all the land from her tyranny -2007