i had a crazy monday. also crazy tuesday (well, that's to be expected). i did go dancing after work, and left completely UNcomfortable with the dance. i didn't go back to that dance class. it was tuesday through thursday, with a dance on friday. it was not something i'd do again. well, correction - not something i'd do except with my husband (which, at the moment, means i'm not doing it).
since wednesday, i've been getting up early(ish). usually 5:45. oh, and did i mention that it was voluntary? since i have trouble incorporating a time to have silent prayer into my life once i get up and going, i decided that i'd get up 15 minutes before whenever it was i had to be up and pray then. although it's been tiring, i find my spirit to be more joyful during the day because of that prayer time.
and i had a very happy surprise in the mail on thursday...a reply from a publisher! :D :D :D i'd sent my manuscript to Vantage Press a week or so before, and they sent me a letter saying they'd received the manuscript and they'd get back to me in a few weeks; could i please fill out the questionnaire and read the catalog while i waited. *is totally excited* it's one thing to publish on lulu.com, but to send my manuscript somewhere and get a letter that does *not* say "i'm sorry, your material is not acceptable" or something similar is extremely exciting. :D :D :D
and i had districts yesterday. blah. ick. pffft. i didn't want to go. i was forced because of a relay. and said relay ended up scratched anyway because one of the other members went to texas. i did horrible. well, what *i* call horrible. it wasn't as bad as it *could* have been. i just didn't drop any time. :P i *hate* stagnating!! grrrrr. :P the only *good* thing is that i didn't qualify for finals. :D (yes, i do call that a good thing. yes, i'm very weird. your point?)
oh well. another update on my unusual doings next week! oh, and here's a few of the pictures i promised.
1 comment:
You just post updates when you can :)we dont forget you, you dont have to post just to keep us interested :)
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