Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's inside YOUR head?

I don't know what's going through your head as you read this post. You probably don't know what's going through my head as I write it. Granted, some of what is inside my head will probably end up in the post, but a lot of other thoughts will probably clash around in my head. You will probably never know any of them. Poor readers.

But I think this is a good thing. We all need our little things that not everyone knows. Or at least I do. It's a certain amount of privacy. I don't need everyone on cyberspace to know every little detail of what's going through my head. My mood does sometimes affect what I write, and even my ability to write (or at least, write anything worth reading), but in general, you don't know anything about me except what I post here for you. You are at my mercy.

So how do you know that what I'm going to type is something worthwhile? How do you know that I'm a conservative Catholic, or a liberal Muslim? How do you know if I'm short, or tall, or blond, or brunette? The answer: you don't.

You don't know anything about me for sure. If you've physically met me, you do know things like physical attributes and a few of the quirks of my personality, but you don't know everything. You don't know what went through my head when Zinn died. You don't know what went through my head in January, or February, or even what is truly going through my mind right now. You have no way of ever knowing what I truly experience on a day-to-day basis, or what a certain circumstance will do to my mental state. Even if you're one of the people I trust most on this earth, I am still somewhat of an enigma. I can still surprise you with little things like birthday presents or a surprise visit when you're not expecting me to be there.

Some people have started to learn many things - how to tell when my mood is off, when I'm sad, when something's bugging me - but it's almost a lonely thought to realize that no one on this earth will ever fully understand everything I'm experiencing right at this moment.

Which is where God comes into the picture. When no one else is around, when I am in most desperate need of someone to listen, to understand, I can turn to my heavenly Father and He will meet my needs.

Praise God for His blessings.


P.S. What's inside YOUR head after reading this post? Please share a few of your thoughts in the comments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what goes on in your head. ;)
Actually, I think is one very good post which is very true. :)
