Sunday, January 30, 2011

social media survey

In case you didn't know, this is a social media. I'm giving a talk at my youth group in a month on the social media, and I'd like to have statistics of my own - not some survey done by people I don't know. Please, I'd appreciate it if you answered the following questions in the comments. Thank you very much!

Also, feel free to give the link to others. The more data I can collect, the better! I thank you again for taking the time to take this survey.

Yes or no:
Do you have any of the following accounts:
1. Facebook?
2. Twitter?
3. MySpace?
4. Ning?
5. LinkedIn?
6. Google?
7. YouTube?
8. Other?

9. Do you text?

10. When using virtual media to communicate (not face-to-face or phone), do you treat people with the same amount of respect as when you are face-to-face?

11. Do you swear more easily typing versus actually saying it?

12. Are you more likely to be unkind to someone when typing?

13. Do you think others are as courteous when online or texting as when they are face-to-face?

Rate 1-10:
14. How would you rate your usage of time with phone or internet combined?
1=never, 10=all day, without ever sleeping or stopping to do anything
15. Do you think it's too much or too little?
1=it's far too much, I need to cut down, 10=Way too little, I need to spend more time with it!


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