Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I've had the time of my life!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially one of those sleep-deprived people who generally populate campuses. I'm at school now! Yay! Mom and I left on Wednesday for Ohio and got in Thursday afternoon. It was about a nine hour drive. I'm in the apartment complex on-campus, so I have a kitchen! And a living room! And I don't have to share a bathroom with twenty other girls! My roommates are really nice. I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. :)

(left to right) Me, roommates,
roommate's fiance
And classes started today. I've had one so far and have two more this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to my Tuesday 8AM class. Granted, I don't like the time, but it's media production. We got to go gaze with fascination and longing at the labs today at the end of class. They've just upgraded EVERYTHING to high definition. The radio lab control board is totally drool-worthy. The TV studio is really cool too. Currently it's in disarray as they finish updating it. Some of the parts came in late, so they're projecting the update completion at around mid-September. Excitement and much drooling was to be had. Well, at least as much as I could muster after working til midnight.

Yeah, because I'm working fifteen hours a week too. Monday and Thursday I work til midnight, which has me thinking I need to set something up so I have caffeinated beverage when I wake up on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Since 7 AM rolls around WAY too soon after being on your feet from seven til midnight then walking back to the apartment. (At least it's only a ten minute walk.) But hey - working food service four nights a week means FREE FOOD four nights a week! I like that. ^_^ And I like the people I work with. At least the ones I've met so far.

AND I'm going to try out for the play tonight. They're putting on Midsummer's Night's Dream. I don't really have a specific part I'm trying out for, but I know they're looking for both singers and actors(actresses), plus musicians and dancers (not trying out for those).

Anyhoo, this is a placebo for a nice post that isn't so news-y. I have many other thinks in my head, I just haven't gotten a chance to sit down and write them out yet. I shall do that...sometime before next week. :)

(And I suddenly have a desire to do a music video to the song I titled the post after. Methinks I should.)


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