Reason One:
The World of Zephanaia (the other blog) is sadly neglected. Though it is officially my page for all things Zephanaia, I just don't use it very often. If I have something relating to the book, I tend to post it here. On this blog. Not that one. So it's a "I'm trying to make sure there's only one official place for Zephanaia updates rather than three" type thing.

I wouldn't have to worry about updating the other site. This goes along with Reason One.
Reason Three:
The World of Zephanaia is not a good author-type site. Quite simply put, I have other books besides The Battle of Zephanaia and the rest of my planned Zephanaia books. (At this point, I have at least three with the bare-bones plot. [This means that I have about a paragraph that details out the main events of the book. For example, here is the first paragraph I ever wrote about Zephanaia, which was for The Battle of Zephanaia. "The story takes place across two countries, Zephanaia and Nemlac. Fredrich, the crown prince, and Prasworth, his friend, begin to feel pressure from Fredrich’s parents, Azuan and Draila, to join them in their evil plans, specifically to dominate the world. The pressure also extends to Ilena and Nenia, two slaves in the castle. Each group decides to leave Nemlac separately but meet outside Nemlac. The four eventually reach Zephanaia and LATEEDATEEDA NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG." {I can't very well give away the end, can I? Go get the book and find out for yourself!}]) ANYWAY, as I was saying before I got distracted, even though The Zephanaian Chronicles is the only series I have planned at the moment, it certainly is not the only set of stories I have to tell. Nor do all of them even take place in the same world as Zephanaia. The Journey doesn't take place in the same world. And it was published BEFORE the first Zephanaia book. So should I just ignore it? I don't think so.
So I have Reasons One, Two, and Three. However, I'd like my readership's opinion on this. It would mean that you would get to hear more about my books, but it would also mean that the two would bleed together and become one entity. Is this something that you are adamantly opposed to? Or would you welcome the chance to hear more about my writing projects?
Answers please!
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